Doping tests will be conducted among participants in the Elite Open,
Elite Junior and Open Youth Categories (bothmen’s and women’s).
The procedure will be conducted according to the latest International
Standard for Testing.
Remarks: • With certain exception, the Tri HKwill not accept entries from applicants under the age on 16 on the day of competitions • The first exception is member of the Hong Kong Triathlon National Squad. • The second exception is members of the Hong Kong Triathlon Regional Squad or members who are being nominate by the affiliated clubs, whose physical fitness and technical skills are adequate for them to compete, as confirmed by the National Coach by means of a skills test and time trial over the Bride’s Pool Road cycling course • All National Squad Elite Junior and National Squad B members who born between 1996-1999 must enter Youth Open Category • All National Squad B members who born between 1992-1995 must enter Elite Junior Category.